How Cross Platform Gaming is Revolutionizing the Gaming Industry

Peace Among the Console Tribes


How Cross Platform Gaming is Revolutionizing the Gaming Industry

Peace Among the Console Tribes

Greeting Readers,

Are you tired of switching between multiple devices to play your favorite games? The traditional console wars are ending as players across different platforms can finally join forces and battle it together regardless of which gaming console they own; players enjoy their games with friends irrespective of the device they use.

In this article, we’ll delve deeper into the world of cross-platform gaming and explore its possibilities and how companies are embracing it so far. So, sit tight and get ready for an exciting ride!

What is Cross-Platform Gaming?

First, let’s talk about cross-platform gaming; cross-platform gaming is any game that allows players to interact with various gaming systems, including consoles, smartphones, personal computers, and even virtual reality headsets. Cross-platform games enable users to engage in multiplayer gameplay functionality on a level-playing field without one platform dominating the other.

The History of Cross-Platform Gaming

Cross-platform gaming is not a new technology; recently, it is becoming more available as game developers shift to developing games on multiple platforms.

In researching the beginning of cross-play (cross-platform), I discovered cross-play goes back to 2002 when Microsoft and Sega collaborated on a few games on Xbox and Dreamcast that allowed cross-platform play.

Unfortunately, Microsoft and Sega had come together, and Windows CE on the Dreamcast was a catastrophe. As a result, the console enjoyed a short life that didn’t include Windows CE primarily.

Windows CE never took off because Sega customized software developers preferred Dreamcast. And, overwhelmingly, it became the favorite. However, very few titles were ever made that used Windows CE, despite the Microsoft logo on the front of the console.

Funnily enough, the first title to showcase Windows CE was Sega Rally 2, a first-party title. After that, less than 50 games with Windows CE were in production.

There was some decent support from large titles, though. Rainbow Six, Resident Evil, and Tomb Raider came to Dreamcast on Windows CE. Check out the handy link below for the complete list.

All Windows CE games on the Sega Dreamcast

To the gamer, there was no difference between playing a game using Windows CE and using Sega’s own. Aside from a Windows CE-branded boot screen, games looked and felt the same. The principles behind it were for developers, less so gamers.

You bought your Dreamcast games, popped them in, and played them, regardless of who produced the software.

However, over the last few years, cross-platform gaming has advanced unprecedentedly. Sony’s decision to allow cross-platform gaming for games such as Fortnite and Rocket League served as a catalyst for cross-platform gaming’s widespread adoption. This decision broke the longstanding tradition of console wars, which resulted in gamers only being able to play on their platforms.

The Advantages of Cross-Platform Gaming

Apart from providing gamers with the opportunity to compete against each other on a level-playing field, cross-platform gaming has several other advantages:

  1. Increases the size of the player pool

Cross-platform gaming enables games to have a larger pool of players, reducing wait times between matches. In addition, this capability makes it easier for gamers to find a game whenever they desire to play one, regardless of their platforms.

I benefit greatly from this feature as I play niche games that rely on consistent team play in order to win games and rank up.

2. Enhances game longevity

Cross-platform gaming promotes game longevity, as gamers usually stick to a specific game longer when cross-platform gaming is available. In addition, the ability to play with friends regardless of their gaming platform reduces players’ chances of getting bored with a game soon and moving on to the next.

I am playing games that not only came out in 2016, but some games came out even earlier than that, and still have a community of players that are on PS3 before Sony shut down the console servers earlier this year in 2023; that is a decade of playing capability.

3. Drives new markets

Cross-platform gaming pushes the boundaries of traditional gaming, as it opens up new markets for game developers. Game developers like Square Enix are able to maximize profit now that they are creating games not only for Sony but for Microsoft and Nintendo as well.

In addition, the availability of cross-platform gaming attracts more players than ever, including those who started gaming through smartphones and have little to no affinity for other gaming platforms.

Fortnite and Minecraft

Fortnite and Minecraft are highly successful games that leverage cross-platform gaming functionality. Fortnite’s cross-platform functionality allows PC users to play against console users, enabling a seamless gaming experience. On the other hand, Minecraft has introduced cross-play between Microsoft Windows, Xbox, and mobile devices.

Minecraft’s data is a robust example of how cross-platform gaming has contributed significantly to the game’s success. Minecraft is selling over 200 million copies worldwide, of which upward of 126 million are active players as of 2020.

In addition, Minecraft has been voted the best-selling video game of all time, with cross-play functionality being one of the crucial factors in the game’s success.

I myself have never had an interest in playing Fortnite and Minecraft but as a gamer, I can appreciate games that not only people have enjoyed but have maintained their excitement for years.

Sony and Microsoft make moves toward cross-platform gameplay.

In 2018, Sony Interactive Entertainment made a milestone decision to allow cross-platform gaming on two games, Fortnite and Rocket League, significantly contributing to the end of the console wars. Sony’s decision broke down the barriers between the PlayStation 4, Xbox, Nintendo Switch, PC, and mobile devices, offering gamers of all platforms the chance to play together.

The impact of Sony’s decision on cross-platform gaming has been significant. Cross-platform gaming in Fortnite has had a massive reach, with over 350 million registered accounts and 2.7 billion hours of gameplay.

Rocket League’s cross-play feature has also contributed to a noticeable rise in concurrent players, validating the benefits of cross-platform support.

Microsoft has also previously announced that it wants to support cross-platform gaming. As a result, they have enabled cross-play between Xbox consoles, PCs, and mobile devices for some games.

In addition, they have also announced partnerships with Nintendo and Sony to allow cross-platform play, between Xbox and their respective consoles.

Photo by Kamil S on Unsplash

Where does Nintendo stand when it comes to Cross-Platform?

Nintendo has been relatively cautious about cross-platform gaming. While they have allowed certain games like Minecraft and Fortnite to feature cross-play between Nintendo Switch and other consoles (Xbox and PlayStation), they must implement a comprehensive cross-platform strategy.

Photo by Alvaro Reyes on Unsplash

In an interview with The Verge in 2019, Nintendo of America president Doug Bowser said that the company evaluates games on a case-by-case basis to determine whether cross-play would benefit players.

He also noted that the company highly emphasizes protecting online experiences and ensuring they are safe and secure for players. I doubt we will ever see major Nintendo titles such as Legend of Zelda or Metroid, but a gamer can dream.

The Future of Gaming

The future of gaming is exciting, primarily because of the potential that cross-platform gaming offers. As a result, the gaming landscape is progressing from console wars to cross-platform wars.

One of the most significant cross-platform gaming innovations in the works is cloud gaming, also known as ‘gaming without a console.’ Game streaming platforms like Stadia, xCloud, and Nvidia’s GeForce now allow gamers to play games without downloading them, rendering the need for consoles obsolete.

Another significant area of gaming innovation is Virtual Reality (VR). VR gaming has matured, opening up an entirely new world of gaming. VR headsets enable gamers to immerse themselves in a game, making it seem like they’re a part of the gaming world.

As we move into the future, cross-platform gaming will become more prevalent, and most games will be playable across various platforms. As a result, the gaming industry will shift away from consoles and move towards game streaming and cloud gaming.


Cross-platform gaming has revolutionized the industry, providing unprecedented connectivity and stimulating gameplay. The traditional concept of console wars is slowly becoming obsolete, and cross-platform gaming is paving the way for a more inclusive gaming experience.

Cross-platform gaming has opened up new horizons for the gaming industry, driving more revenue and expanding the number of gamers worldwide.

The future of gaming is exciting, and the industry is growing and continuing to innovate. Cross-platform gaming will continue to be the most crucial trend in gaming, providing developers with an opportunity to build more engaging, immersive games.

We have come a long way from the early days of gaming platforms, where exclusives were leading in determining the best consoles. With cross-platform gaming now at the forefront, gamers can play together regardless of their gaming platforms, and we can expect more innovations in the future.

What games are you playing? Have you benefited from the cross-platform capability? What games would you like to see on other platforms?

Let's talk about it in the comments below, I look forward to hearing your opinions.


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