A Personal Exploration into Why I Love Scary Movies

How Our Minds and Bodies React to Fear and Why It Keeps Us Coming Back for More


A Personal Exploration into Why I Love Scary Movies

How Our Minds and Bodies React to Fear and Why It Keeps Us Coming Back for More

As the lights dim and the eerie music starts playing, my heart starts racing with anticipation. There’s a certain thrill that comes with watching a scary movie, and I can’t seem to get enough of it.

But why do I love subjecting myself to such terror? What draws me to these films, despite my tendencies towards paranoia and anxiety? After some research and introspection, I’ve come to realize that the appeal of scary movies stems from a variety of factors, both psychological and physiological.

One of the primary reasons we enjoy watching horror movies is their ability to elicit a strong emotional response. Fear is an incredibly powerful emotion and experiencing it in a safe and controlled environment can be exhilarating.

As I sit in the theater, I find myself on the edge of my seat, clutching my armrests as the tension builds. When the scary moments finally arrive, I can feel my heart pounding in my chest and my body tensing up with adrenaline.

It’s an intense physical sensation, but it’s also an emotional thrill.

At the same time, there is also a certain sense of catharsis that comes with watching scary movies. Escaping into a fictional world where the stakes are high, and the dangers are intense allows us to temporarily forget about our own problems and fears.

Watching the protagonist battle supernatural monsters or psychopathic killers can be a way of vicariously facing our own fears in a safe and controlled way. We know that the events on screen aren’t real, but the feelings they evoke are very real, and that can be both empowering and cathartic.

Another reason why scary movies are so appealing is their ability to activate our fight-or-flight response. Our bodies are wired to respond to threats, both real and imagined, with a surge of adrenaline and other stress hormones.

Photo by Josh Riemer on Unsplash

When we watch a scary movie, the images on the screen provide just enough stimuli to trigger this response, while also allowing us to feel safe in the knowledge that we’re not actually in any real danger.

This rush of adrenaline can be addictive, as our brains crave the thrill and excitement that comes with it.

Of course, not everyone enjoys being scared out of their wits. For some people, the fear and anxiety that comes with watching a horror movie is simply too overwhelming.

Man in Fear, Image Created by Dwight Wilson Jr.

But for others, me included, the fear is part of the fun. It’s a way of testing our own limits and seeing just how much we can handle. When I watch a scary movie and feel the fear creeping in, I know that I’m pushing my own boundaries and experiencing something that is both thrilling and unique.

Jason from Friday the 13th, Image created by Dwight Wilson Jr

Ultimately, the appeal of scary movies can be traced back to our own innate human psychology. We love to be scared, whether it’s because of the rush of adrenaline, the sense of catharsis, or simply the knowledge that we can handle it.

For me personally, watching horror movies is a way of confronting, and overcoming one’s own fears, while also enjoying the thrill of the ride. I compare it to being at the top of a roller coaster before it begins its highest drop. Just like roller coasters, it may not be for everyone, but for me, it’s a form of entertainment that I’ll never tire of.

Pinhead from Hellraiser, Image created by Dwight Wilson Jr.

As I leave the theater, my heart still racing from the suspense, I feel exhilarated and alive. The fear may be fake, but the rush of emotions and physical sensations that come with watching a scary movie is very real.

I know that I’ll be back for more, ready to face whatever monsters and terrors the filmmakers can dream up. After all, for me, there’s nothing quite like the thrill of fear.

Monster attack, Image created by Dwight Wilson Jr

How do scary movies make you feel? Are there some movies you recommend I check out? I’d love to hear your opinion in the comments below…..

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